Physician speaks to a patient

Have you ever been surprised by a histological diagnosis despite getting what you thought was a sufficient sample?

A main reason many clinicians use Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy (VAB) devices in ultrasound-guided breast procedures is for larger cores for diagnostic confidence.1 These clinicians get the added benefit of improved efficiency from single insertion.1 However, the benefits don’t end there.

Check out how Mammotome VAB is engineered to improve outcomes and the biopsy procedure for you and your patients1 and the clinical evidence to support it.

The Science of VAB Documents


Read The Science of VAB Overview Document

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Clinical Highlights

Read The Science of VAB Clinical Highlights Document

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Common VAB Use Cases

Read the Common VAB Use Cases Document

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Discover the benefits of The Science of VAB

What is The Science of VAB?

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Breast Biopsy Challenges and Mammotome VAB Design Principles

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Why Use VAB for Ultrasound Over Core Needle? Learn About Better Outcomes

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Why Use VAB for Ultrasound Over Core Needle? Learn About Efficiency

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Why Use VAB for Ultrasound Over Core Needle? Learn About Patient and Staff Benefits

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Common Ultrasound VAB Misconceptions

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Why Use the Mammotome® Elite System?

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Why Use the Mammotome Revolve™ Ultrasound System?

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1. As compared to 14G spring-fired core needle devices

Would you like more information about The Science of VAB and Mammotome VAB devices?

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