Mammotome Associates’ Thoughts on Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month is a time to celebrate women’s contributions and achievements in culture, history and society. The Mammotome Women+Friends Associate Led Group (W+F ALG) encourages women to strive to meet their career aspirations while bringing their authentic selves to work. Continue reading to learn the perspectives of two driving forces on the W+F ALG as they discuss how the group is making a difference at Mammotome and what Women’s History Month means to them.

Let’s start off by introducing Lara Fawell and Amy Jansing.

Lara Fawell, Senior Biopsy Sales Specialist

I hail from a small town in Kentucky just outside of Lexington and received my degree from North Carolina State University. I have spent most of my adult life in Virginia. I share my life with a loving, compassionate man and our three children. I have 20+ years of experience working in the Medical Device and Diagnostics space. During this time, I have held positions in sales, marketing and professional education. When I am not working, you will find me outside in a pair of trail shoes or ski boots or whipping up a healthy meal.

Amy Jansing, Global Commercial DBSL (Danaher Business Systems Leader)

I grew up in the St. Louis area and moved to Chicago after college. I met my husband, got married and had our son in the 11 years I lived there. In 2021, we relocated to the Charlotte metro area to escape the snow and cold. I was in direct customer sales positions at Danaher operating companies for 12 years before taking my current role as a Global Commercial Danaher Business Systems Leader, where I help the commercial organization implement proprietary Danaher tools and support them to think strategically to outperform the market. When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two-year-old son, taking advantage of all the outdoor activities like hiking, trips to the beach and everything in between.

Who is a woman that inspires you and why?

Lara Fawell, Senior Biopsy Sales Specialist

My mother-in-law inspires me the most. She came from nothing and got married to escape her home life at a young age. She supported her husband through law school while managing her children and home with her live-in mother-in-law (something I could never do!). When her marriage failed, she found a job, raised her two children alone and reached financial independence. Slowly she worked towards her goal of becoming a licensed clinical counselor. At 80 years old, she recently saw her first job through to the end – the closing of a family business – and now practices four days a week supporting clients as a solo practitioner. She meets a personal trainer three days a week and is remodeling her three-bedroom townhome in the suburbs of Chicago.

How do you empower yourself and the women around you?

Lara Fawell, Senior Biopsy Sales Specialist

One of my core values is learning, both internally and externally. I believe the more we know and understand about ourselves, the better we engage with the world around us. How do I inspire others? I first listen and try to uncover their values; I then encourage them to take steps towards investing in themselves. One step, however big or small, each day means 360 steps closer to your dreams each year.

Amy Jansing, Global Commercial DBSL (Danaher Business Systems Leader)

I work to empower women by staying current on DE+I initiatives. I work towards continuous improvement for myself. I recognize biases and speak out when I see something that doesn’t seem right. I also make sure that I attend other DE+I group events to learn about other diversity groups. Throughout my career at Danaher, I have worked with and for many women who have shown me that you can have a successful career and have a family and balanced personal life. I always work to inspire other women I meet who are struggling with finding that balance themselves.

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As working mothers, how have you found balance in your career and personal life?

Lara Fawell, Senior Biopsy Sales Specialist

I intentionally establish boundaries, ensuring each decision aligns with my core values. Having a visible vision board serves as a reminder of these core values and why I arrive at each decision. When I fail, I strive to offer myself the same grace that I would offer my best friend.

Amy Jansing, Global Commercial DBSL (Danaher Business Systems Leader)

I have had to reevaluate what is important in my life since I had my son. My husband and I both travel for work, so the biggest adjustment has been closely coordinating our schedules. We each make sacrifices but always prioritize keeping our son’s schedule consistent. Working at Mammotome is so great because many parents understand when I have my son home sick or need to leave to pick my son up from daycare. It’s all about organization and prioritization.

What is the Mammotome Women + Friends ALG and what is its mission?

The W+F ALG is a network within Mammotome that creates comradery among women and is a community they can lean on when they need something personally or professionally. Our mission is to encourage and uplift women to strive to meet their career aspirations while bringing their authentic selves to work. We offer educational and networking events throughout the year to encourage diverse conversations, inspire women to be the best version of themselves, and to get to know other Mammotome associates.

What types of events does the Women+Friends ALG organize?

The W+F ALG strives to organize programming to support our mission, encourage diverse conversations and inspire members as we continue to ensure there is workplace equality at Mammotome. We have offered events like creating a Vision Board, finding mentors and sponsors, and fighting bias in the workplace. When planning events, we focus on how that event will help our associates advance their careers and feel supported in the workplace. We have events surrounding development planning and burnout later in 2023.

How does Mammotome W+F ALG plan to recognize Women’s History Month?

We are fortunate to be able to participate in the many events the Danaher W+F ALG offers throughout Women’s History Month. The theme is Celebrating Women Who Tell Their Stories. It starts with an event where a subject matter expert teaches women how to tell their stories. Then, as a follow-up, two Danaher group executives will share their personal stories. Then it ends with a virtual career fair event where women can share their stories and get support for their unique career journey, meet a new mentor, and practice advocating for themselves.

What is your favorite part of the Mammotome W+F ALG?

Lara Fawell, Senior Biopsy Sales Specialist

I love to teach; it brings me joy to provide content to foster both personal and professional growth. Through my work in the Mammotome W+F ALG, I hope to inspire others to be stronger, kinder and more authentic with themselves and others at our workplace.

Amy Jansing, Global Commercial DBSL (Danaher Business Systems Leader)

I love that I get to share my passion of empowering women and bring resources to women who might not otherwise have access to them. I also love that I get to meet and work with a diverse, cross-functional group of women at Mammotome who I might not otherwise get to know.

How has Mammotome supported and inspired you to accomplish your career goals?

Lara Fawell, Senior Biopsy Sales Specialist

I am inspired by the DE+I mission at Danaher – that strives to narrow the gap on equity. As a mother of two daughters, I want to break the bias and open doors that will allow my children equal opportunity to thrive in their chosen career.

Amy Jansing, Global Commercial DBSL (Danaher Business Systems Leader)

I love working for Mammotome and the opportunities that it has provided me! The culture is truly inclusive and flexible. It feels so good to work at a place that not only talks about Diversity and Inclusion but lives it every day. DE+I is not something that is talked about at Mammotome to fill a corporate requirement, everyone truly embraces what makes you unique.

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